Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Home Again.

So we finally made it home have been back for a little while and went back for a checkup. We got great news when we went back to IU, David's tumors have continued to shrink! There should only be scar tissue left! But we just have to wait the year to really know for sure. While we where up at IU we got to meet a couple that is going through the same thing. It was really nice to talk to them and hopefully give them some hope. I think for David the worse part was mental. That is a lot to have on your mind at once. So if everyone could pray for the family up there. We exchanged info, and through her blog I saw a fundraiser they are doing. I am serious thinking of trying it out! It is a t-shirt fundraiser. They will design a shirt for you and you get a % of the sales. You have to have at least 50 shirts sell though.. So what do you guys think? Do we have 50 friends that would buy t-shirts to support David? If you where to buy one what would you like it to say? Any ideas? Well know that we are back I am working again and David is trying to finish his school work before the deadline. He also has a new calling at church. He teaches the priests. The 16-18 year old young men. He really enjoys hanging out with them, especially going to all the activities like paint balling and camping.

1 comment:

  1. We would! Say..."Take That Cancer." Ha ha ha. I don't know :) Nick said, "Testicle cancer...I'd rather be kicked in the nards." WEIRD!!!!!
