Sunday, June 16, 2013


So many people say wow, I could never handle that. And I admit I have said the same thing to people in different circumstances. You are so strong, I could never do that. Well, you can. When trials come you handle them. But the only way you can handle them is through the power of the Holy Ghost, and Jesus Christ. They lift you and give you strength that you yourself do not have. Without my faith that the Lord is in charge, and with out the scriptures and prayer, I would be miserable. There are times when I forget. When I have thoughts that are not from the Lord. Sometimes these feelings and thoughts are crippling. The negativity and the lack of the spirit are truly things that can leave me sobbing, heart aching, and hopeless. But these times are only moments. Because I have to remember that the Lord has felt everything I have felt. I have David who is an excellent example of strength in adversity. I have the talks from the general authorities and the Mormon messages. These give me peace, and comfort. I would like to share a talk that really shares some of our feelings.That We Might "Not.. Shrink" This talk was really hard for me to get through. I believe I have faith for David to be healed. I am still working on the Faith to not be healed.
 I know that Heavenly Father loves us. He knows our strengths and weaknesses. I know that without the Lord my burden would be crippling. But through the lords help my burden is made light. I still struggle but each day I come closed to my Father in Heaven. I hope that each person who hears David and my story comes closer to our Father in Heaven. I know he can help each of us through the trials we are all facing.

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